Photos Summer 2016


Tivoli in sunshine

Hanging out at home... in the first picture, with Jeannie, our new au pair

In february, Lotte went to Vienna to an EMBRACE meeting. It was held in what is probably the most uncomfortable lecture theatre in the world...

In February, we went to the German Island of Ruggen for a week of German sausages, swimming in the rather lare pool, and sightseeing of strange Nazi properties...

We spent rather a lot of time in restaurants, Here, spezi (the very German drink of half fanta, half cola) and local Riesling... and other restautant visits...

The beach by the Prora Nazi holiday camp

By the pool

Nazi propaganda posters from the V1 and V2 museum. Facinating in all their wrongness...

The u-boat in Sassnitz

At the hotel

Very nearly got the car bogged...(yes we did get out and push)

The Nazi holiday resort, intended to provide 20000 arians with sea, sand and very alike flats for their utmost holiday enjoyment. These days, the building's a ruin, but the beach remains beautiful...

Size matters... at the V1 factory...